Why Vegan

Vegan is a social justice movement dedicated to creating a world in which animals are not deprived for food, clothing, entertainment or any other purpose. Although a focus on animals is fundamental to vegetarianism, there are many other benefits. Plant-based agriculture is a more efficient use of the world's scarce resources, can feed more people, is better for the environment and is good for our health.


1.Animals are important

All animals are capable of feeling emotions like joy and pain, bondage and loss. Since most people agree that unnecessary violence against animals is unacceptable, there is no need to kill or exploit animals to eat or use the products they are made from.

2.To help the environment

Livestock production is a major contributor to environmental damage, including global warming. The damage to the world's environment caused by the billions of animals we raise and kill each year is so great that the animal industry has now been identified as "one of the most important contributors to today's most serious environmental problems".

Fresh water is heavily used to produce animal products, resulting in a shortage of fresh water resources. Lack of fresh water is a major cause of disease transmission, especially among the world's poor. But if we eat plants directly, we can avoid unnecessary waste of resources.

The production of meat uses a lot of energy and water, and ruminants produce a lot of methane, which is a far greater greenhouse gas emitter than carbon dioxide and contributes to global warming.  

3.For all mankind

Hunger is still a major challenge for human development, with 40,000 children dying every day due to lack of food. We could go a long way toward solving this problem if we diverted much of the food from animals to feed hungry people around the world.


4.Good to health

Not only is a plant-based diet as healthy as any that contains animal products, providing all the protein, minerals and vitamins your body needs, but it can also help reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity and some cancers.





About Us

To be the first comprehensive and complete vegan certification institution integrating international vegan standards in China

Contact Us

Hover Industrial Building 26-38 Kwai Cheong Rd, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong

Agent office:(86)755-8313-5803 / (86)755-8280-4283

